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Tháng 7 31

What are the current types of plywood?

If anyone has ever had a childhood with a plywood desk, that time was wonderful and memorable. After more than a century of formation, how diverse are the types of plywood today?   Learn about plywood Define Plywood is a material manufactured from thin layers or “plies” of wood veneer that are glued together with […]

What are the current types of plywood?

Tháng 7 25

Solid wood table top – Furniture product without exception

When the idea of decorating your family’s living space with a certain piece of furniture comes up, what most of us are concerned about and afraid of is the price. Many products have been rumored to be expensive and only suitable for “rich people”, solid wood table tops are also accidentally labeled as such. When […]

Solid wood table top – Furniture product without exception

Tháng 7 25

SSR VINA – Wood chevron countertop products

Choosing furniture is sometimes like collecting,  because what is “unique-strange” everyone wants to own. Wood Chevron countertop is also a product that when mentioned, we will have to “wow” because of its unique look. Learn about wood chevron countertop Define Wood chevron countertops have a surface designed to resemble herringbone shapes, or V-shaped lines that […]

SSR VINA – Wood chevron countertop products

Tháng 7 25

DIY and the mission of becoming a furniture trend around the world

“Sell me a set to make…”. DIY, building a more beautiful and unique living space is gradually escalating in the race for the most interesting trends today. Even to meet that need conveniently, Items sold “all-in” to complete a certain item, or workshops that are opened where customers will have the opportunity to experience the […]

DIY and the mission of becoming a furniture trend around the world